Big boobsLet’s talk about “Big Boobs Phone Sex”. Big boobs are just… HUGE, GIANT, Funbags, Ta-tas, pillows, etc. They can be all natural and soft or they can be rock hard implants. An average sized woman falls between 34-36b, but these big breasted Jet Dolls are not your average size. Think of a girl you know with big boobs and think bigger. Some of these girl’s areolas alone would fill up an average bra size! These well endowed or surgically altered women range from 38 on up, and their cup sizes can be from a D on up to J!

And speaking of huge, warm jugs, a woman certainly gets a juicy rack when she is lactating. A woman lactates mostly when she is pregnant, but some woman can pump their breast, and draw up milk to the surface. Her big boobs are a never-ending well of warm, sweet nourishment…all for your pleasure. Just call and ask for a mama with some milk for big boob phone sex.

So if you like burying your lips, tongue, face and cock into a big chested woman’s bosoms, call Jet Doll for a woman that will keep you in mammary heaven for hours on end!

Don’t keep us waiting… Our larger than normal nipples are getting hard, and we want them covered in your cum!! Call us now at 1-800-JET DOLL!!!


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